An elegant Welcome Center is designed to make you immediately feel at home.
Over 50% of the visitors are here for the first time - from over 100 countries - and translators are available.
Our international staff will be glad to provide you with detailed information about the Meditation Resort and your stay in Pune, or any other additional information you may need.

To enter the Osho International Meditation Resort you will need to register at the Welcome Center and take an on-the-spot HIV/AIDS test in order to receive your Meditation Resort gate pass which is your general entry pass. Then each day you buy a daily entry sticker.

This daily entry sticker includes the full-day meditation program and the open-air classes in Buddha Grove and costs 850 rupees for international visitors and 400 rupees for resident Indian nationals.

And a 5-day entry sticker is available for 1,800 rupees for nationals and 3,820 for internationals.

First time visitors will need to pay 900 rupees for registration, HIV/Aids test, gate pass with digital photo and participation in the Welcome Morning. This does not include the actual daily entry sticker.

To help you get a feel for what is available at the Meditation Resort, there is a “Welcome Morning.” It includes a tour of the campus, a detailed introduction to the meditations offered, an orientation to the Osho Multiversity programs, and an individual experience of these programs. This program is happening every day, so if you arrive at the Meditation Resort at 9:00 am, you can register immediately and join the Welcome Morning that day. Otherwise you can attend the Welcome Morning the following day.
Meditations in Osho Auditorium, as well as many other activities are covered with this contribution; however this does not include Multiversity courses.

Please remember, if you are an international visitor, to bring your passport with your current visa inside – but not a photocopy. And if you are an Indian national and currently living in India please bring an original photo ID with you.

Money is not used within the campus; instead, vouchers are used and can be purchased here at the Welcome Center.